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Check These Things on Your Final WalkThrough

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2020 | Firm News |

A final-walkthrough isn’t always required, but it’s never a good idea to skip it, even if you’re pressed for time. This is when you need to ensure you’re getting the home you were promised.

What to Check on Your Final Walk-Through

A final walk-through gives you the chance to go through the home you’re investing in and ensure that it’s in the condition you were promised. During this time, you can check out the different systems in the home and make sure things are working properly before finalizing your transaction. Check out the tips below to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

Test the Power

When you get into the home, don’t forget to test the power in all areas of the space. It’s a great idea to take your phone and phone charger into the home so that you can test all of the power outlets and take note of any that aren’t working. Be sure to also switch on all of the light switches and test the ceiling fans and any other electric items throughout the home. If you do notice problems with the electricity, this will require some work, which can be a pain.

Check on the Plumbing

As you’re going through the home, don’t miss your chance to check on the plumbing. Test all of the faucets in the bathrooms, the kitchen, and anywhere else there may be one. In the bathroom, don’t be shy about turning on the shower and flushing the toilets because this can reveal plumbing issues. You may even want to test the hoses at the exterior of the home as well as the sprinkler system. If you suspect any issues, take a closer look at the pipes and look for signs of previous leaks and issues.

Check the Appliances

Some homes may come with some appliances included, which can be great for your budget. With that said, it’s important that you test these and ensure that they actually work and aren’t just there looking nice. If appliances, like the refrigerator, aren’t plugged in, plug them in to be sure they work properly. Things like the dishwasher, washer, and dryer can be started for a bit just to be sure they turn on and are in good condition. Don’t forget to also test the heater and air conditioning and ask when it was last serviced. Do take note of anything odd, like the smell of gas so you can get that checked out. Whether you’re buying or selling a home, don’t forget about the importance of title insurance in Westborough at closing. To learn more about title insurance, contact the title insurance experts at Home Key Title. Give them a call at (508) 475- 5502 to learn more.

Open the Windows and Doors

This may sound odd, but don’t forget to open and close all the windows and doors in the home. This will help you ensure they all work properly, which will be helpful since they can be expensive to replace. If you move into a home with faulty windows and doors, this can actually be unsafe. These can also let out or in the air when you’re running the air conditioner or heater, making you waste more. Take note of any windows or doors that get stuck and any screens that are missing.

Take a Look at the Roof and Gutters

Outside of the home, there are also things that will need to be looked at carefully. Start by checking out the roof and looking for signs of damage. A new roof is a large expense, so unless this is something you already discussed, you want to be sure it’s going to last you a while. On top of this, you’ll want to check out the gutters. These should be clear the day you’re there so that you can test that they drain properly. You’ll also want to be sure that these are secured onto the home properly so that they don’t fall off during the first storm of the season.

Look out for Pests

Finally, look out for signs of pests in the home, especially if the home hasn’t been lived in for a while. Some pests may leave droppings or chew marks on different parts of the home. You may even come across some smaller pests in the home, but don’t be fooled. Even small pests can cause damage to the structure of a home and may be hard to get rid of, so don’t ignore them.

Purchase Title Insurance in Westborough

If you’re ready to purchase your dream home, be sure you have title insurance in Westborough to protect your home investment. Contact the title insurance experts at Home Key Title at (508) 475- 5502 to learn more about the importance of title insurance.